Our Discovery Process

When introducing you to our team and our process, we begin with a meeting to first determine
if we’re a good fit for one another. We’ll discuss your short- and long-term goals,
your family values, your dreams for the future, and anything else that is special or unique to you.

Your relationship with your finances will last a lifetime, and so should your financial partnership.
In order for our team to be an objective sounding board for your ideas and concerns, we may not
always agree on everything. You'll want a partner with whom you'd be comfortable having
challenging conversations with.

Once we’ve determined there is a mutual fit, we begin to dive deeper into the details. We want to
get a comprehensive understanding of your financial landscape, including the following points:

   - Priorities

   - Current circumstances

   - Where you are today

   - Where you want to be

   - Financial statements

   - Estate planning documents

   - Risk tolerance

   - Goals and objectives

With this information in hand, our relationship moves to the next step: Our Planning Process